From a bird's-eye view, the world reveals itself from a completely different perspective, you fly and the hidden becomes obvious, for a moment you can feel what birds feel, the feeling of freedom. I like to shoot our planet from the air, it's beautiful; I love her. Getting higher is better to understand its scale and our insignificant place on its surface, and at the same time all worries and experiences become less on the scale of our mother earth. It is alive, the rivers winding like the capillaries of a living person, volcanic valleys like the skin of an elder and the ocean ... endless and strong. Like any other place on this planet, the island of Tenerife opened to us as those who carry love in their hearts. With love
Man is the product of his dominant thoughts. For he becomes what he thinks about for more time. Mahatma Gandhi
“I’m sure that meaning of life for every one of us is just to grow in love.” – Lev Nikolaevithch Tolstoy.
“Love is a priceless gift. It’s the only thing that we give away but that will always be with us.” – Lev Tolstoy.